Better Solutions, Better Decisions
customer support
Mon to Fri - 9am to 12.45pm 1.45pm to 5.30pm
Saturday – closed
252 317 440
Calls to national fixed networks according to the conditions of your tariff.

customer support

9am to 12.45pm 1.45pm to 5.30pm saturday – closed

252 317 440

Calls to national fixed networks according to the conditions of your tariff.

seguro de saúde


Health Insurance offers a comprehensive range of benefits to guarantee that you receive the best possible medical care. In addition to cover for doctor’s appointments, examinations and hospital treatments, there is the possibility of including additional services such as specialist consultations, therapies, dental treatments and even cover for medicines. Flexibility is a key feature, allowing you to customize your plan according to your specific needs.

Accessibility and comfort in healthcare can’t be overlooked. That’s why Health Insurance allows you to enhance your well-being, with access to a vast network of doctors, hospitals, clinics and complementary diagnostic centers, in Portugal and abroad.

With medical helplines available 24 hours a day, you can get immediate medical advice and even make emergency appointments when necessary. With this solution, you have the peace of mind of knowing that you can get quality medical care when you need it, without compromising your finances. You can also focus on health promotion and disease prevention, ensuring a healthier lifestyle.


  • Reimbursement for the medical act, by using the network of associated clinical service providers;
  • Access to the largest network of doctors, clinics and complementary diagnostic centers in Portugal and abroad;
  • Access to a second medical opinion;
  • Comprehensive offers, according to needs;
  • Premiums differentiated by type of risk;
  • Hospitalization with variable maximum capitals, depending on the plan defined;
  • Co-payment for childbirth (pregnancy and caesarean section), if you subscribe to the associated plans;
  • Outpatient care;
  • Possibility of reimbursement for medicines and stomatology, up to a maximum of €200 and €300, respectively.

ask for a simulation, we have the best solutions!

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