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9am to 12.45pm 1.45pm to 5.30pm saturday – closed

252 317 440

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seguro multirriscos indústria


Don’t leave protection to chance. With Industrial Multi-Risk Insurance, you can invest in safety in your company, with no surprises and 100% effectiveness. With this insurance, developed to think in this sector of activity, your investment is assured. This multi-risk solution is, as the name suggests, comprehensive and designed specifically to protect industrial companies from a variety of risks that can affect their operations and properties.

The insurance, besides being flexible, fits to the industrial context of each company, making it evolve. Besides, it offers coverage for a wide range of adverse events that can cause damage to industrial facilities and equipment. That is, it offers protection against a wide range of risks that can threaten the continuity of operations and the financial stability of the company.

This insurance covers material damage to the company’s physical assets, including buildings, machinery and equipment, resulting from events such as fires, explosions and other claims.

Another crucial aspect of this solution is the civil liability cover, which protects the company against third party claims for material or bodily harm caused by its operations. This type of protection is essential to minimize the financial risks associated with litigation and compensation, which can be substantial and detrimental to the financial health of the company. Besides, many policies offer additional coverage such as protection against environmental risks, which has become increasingly relevant as environmental regulations become stricter.

This insurance can also be customized to meet the specific needs of different industrial sectors. For example, chemical industries may need additional coverage for hazardous substance spills, while food factories may need extra protection for product contamination. The customization of the policy ensures that the particularities and risks specific to each industry are adequately covered, providing effective and comprehensive protection.

Industrial Multi-Risk Insurance is essential for any company in the industrial sector, as it provides a comprehensive safety net that protects against a wide range of risks, ensuring the continuity of operations and financial stability of the company.


  • Base coverage of fire, radius, explosion and smoke;
  • Other optional coverage according to the needs of the company;
  • Civil liability, in the face of complaints and compensation based on damage caused to third parties by your company’s products or activity;
  • Automatic capital update, which allows the value of your assets to be always up-to-date;
  • Analysis of risks that may affect your company.

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